Sustainable Management

CEO Message


HUMAX is actively practicing sustainable management that embraces social responsibility, making certain these efforts yield the right results through ongoing interactions with our valued stakeholders. Since its founding, HUMAX has been steadfastly committed to sustainable management, joining the UN Global Compact in February 2015 and submitting our first Communication on Progress (COP) report in May 2016. We fully support the UN Global Compact’s ten principles covering four major areas. In addition to our ongoing compliance efforts, we are committed to involving the entire value chain in our practices.

HUMAX aims to be the world’s premier provider of content delivery systems and to contribute to the sustainable development for humanity. To this end, we strive to build trust with diverse stakeholders and to take leadership in the economy, environment and society for a balanced growth within the framework of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL). As a global enterprise, HUMAX’s responsible management involves the following ongoing practices.

Establishing the sustainable management system and increasing involvement from stakeholders

HUMAX is making every effort to build a sustainable management system that meets global standards and to ensure it is implemented company-wide. We aim to build and operate a total management system that is practiced by all managers and employees, not only by a handful of departments. We are also reorganizing and expanding our communication structure with our stakeholders to increase their participation, ultimately improving satisfaction levels and strengthening m utual trust.

Developing sustainable products and including the value chain

To combat climate change, HUMAX is fully committed to reducing negative effects on the environment and developing eco-friendly products. We have been voluntarily participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and in 2015 we became the first company in Korea to receive carbon footprint labeling on set-top boxes. Our environmental management activities go beyond merely complying with environmental regulations and expand into our supply chain to ensure sustainability for the next generation.

Fair business practices with our partners

HUMAX seeks to maintain a healthy relationship with all our business partners. We believe a partner’s competitiveness translates into our own competiveness, and a partner’s risk translates into our own risk. In 2015, joining the government’s “Growth Share Initiative,” HUMAX held a win-win partnership signing ceremony with our partners. We will continue our mutual-growth efforts with our business partners by improving communication, increasing their involvement, and strengthening  activities that foster shared growth.

HUMAX is intent on remaining a thriving business enterprise that continually creates value through sustainable management encompassing both economic and social values in today’s rapidly changing business environment. We look forward to your ongoing support as HUMAX continues its journey one step at a time toward becoming the global leader in its industry.

Thank you.

HUMAX Co., Ltd.
CEO Jeong Seong Min

Vision & Strategy

HUMAX aims to be the world’s premier provider of content delivery systems and to contribute to the sustainable development for humanity. To this end, we strive to build trust with diverse stakeholders and to take leadership in the economy, environment and society for a balanced growth within the framework of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL).


Sustainability of HUMAX

“The world’s premier provider of content delivery systems”

Creating performance in ‘Economy, Environment and Society’

Economic Profitability

  • Innovation Management

Environmental Sustainability

  • Eco-friendly Management

Social Soundness

  • People-oriented management
  • Transparent management
  • Win-win growth management
  • CSV management

Satisfying stakeholders’ needs and building mutual trust

Management System

HUMAX has developed a sustainability process based on global standards and is committed to producing results in the areas of economic, environmental and the community by focusing on the 7 core subjects. We have created a differentiation strategy by determining the needs of diverse stakeholders and focusing on the major issues related to sustainable management.


UN Global Compact
Human Rights
  • Principle 1 : Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
  • Principle 2 : make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  • Principle 3 : Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
  • Principle 4 : the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
  • Principle 5 : the effective abolition of child labour; and
  • Principle 6 : the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  • Principle 7 : Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  • Principle 8 : undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
  • Principle 9 : encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Principle 10 : Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
7 core subjects
  • Organizational Governance
  • Human Rights
  • Labour Practice
  • The Environment
  • Fair Operating Practices
  • Consumer Issues
  • Community Involvement and Development
Differentiation Strategy

– Using the CSR materiality assessment –

Relevance to Stakeholders
Significance to HUMAX


Performance & Reporting
GRI Guidelines

balance and growth

economic profitability
environmental sustainability
Social soundness

Information Disclosure

HUMAX pledges to fully disclose performance results from sustainable management practices to our stakeholders.

COP (Communication on Progress / 2016)

2016 HUMAX COP (English)

Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Recently, as interest in software security has increased, the importance of vulnerability disclosure has been highlighted. Vulnerabilities provide malicious attackers with the potential to hack, which can lead to personal information leaks, system outages, and even financial damage. Our vulnerability disclosure policy is based on the following principles:

  1. Transparency and speed: Any vulnerabilities found in software are disclosed as quickly as possible. This allows users to take immediate action if vulnerabilities are discovered.
  2. Participation and cooperation with experts: We will actively collaborate with security experts to identify and disclose vulnerabilities. This allows us to utilize our expert knowledge in software security to resolve vulnerabilities more effectively.
  3. User education: By disclosing vulnerabilities, we will raise users’ awareness of software security and create a safer online environment. Users will be trained on how to quickly report and respond to vulnerabilities.
  4. Efficient response and provision of solutions: When a vulnerability is discovered, we will immediately take countermeasures and provide a solution to minimize potential damage from the vulnerability.

Through these policies, we will strive to increase trust in software security and ensure the safety of our users. Disclosing vulnerabilities will make our software ecosystem more robust, thereby creating a more secure and trustworthy digital environment.

For security-related concerns, please reach out to our Customer Support Team. In email subject [Vulnerability] keyword should be included. Regarding reported issues, we commit to responding to your report within 5 working days and aim to triage it within 20 working days. We will also strive to keep you updated on our progress. Even before the reported problem is resolved, if you need to check its status, feel free to contact our Customer Support Team at any time.